Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Morning Love

One of the most wonderful things about being a mommy is hugs in the morning. At least, it is for me. Too bad the feeling isn't mutual. Maybe it's just me, but I'm pretty groggy in the morning. Brianna comes creeping in, sees that I'm awake, and comes over to the side of the bed. Even though she knows I'm going to reach for a hug from her, still she comes. She smiles, her rosy, sleepy cheeks glowing in the morning light. We hug each other, and I smile, saying, "Good morning, sweetie. Did you have a good sleep?" To which she lovingly replies, "Mommy, you stink."

I worked on that bad breath all night, thank you. Of course it stinks. Even Julia Roberts' breath stinks in the morning. (sorry, Julia!) Do I have a sprout in the side of my cheek that's mint flavored? Nope.

I think I will never be as honest as I was at 5.

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