Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wet, What?!

Why is it that babies wait until you lay them down on the clean sheets on your bed, because you want them somewhere soft, and you're taking precautions for your dry-clean-only comforter, and all you wanted was to laugh with them and examine their toes and let them grab your hair.... and BOOM! All that pee they saved up just for your clean sheets is let loose. It's like they KNOW. What is that?

You've got a puddle the size of, well...whatever the last three feedings have been, in the middle of your nice clean bed. It's not enough that you have to scrub crusted baby food off the clothes, bibs, and baby. He's now attacking the sheets. The sleep I was going to get this afternoon will have to wait so I can strip the bed and change the sheets - while he sleeps in blissful happiness. Maybe next time, I'll remember the little waterproof things, and actually use one.

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