Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Poor Pitiful Little Man

Zachy is sick. It's one of those poor pitiful things in life that happen to the helpless. Poor little creature. He has an ear infection and a virus, besides cutting his four top front teeth at once. Sometimes people say, "That's the life," about babies, but this is one thing I don't envy at all. I don't envy me, either.

One trick we've used to get his meds down his little gullet is that I stick my finger between his gums and push his tongue slightly to the side, while squeezing a very small amount at a time into the back inside of his cheek on the other side. That way, he doesn't spit the medicine out, because his tongue can't make perfect contact with the roof of his mouth. The medicine runs down, and he swallows it! But he doesn't like it very much.

Sometimes we mommies have to be tough. It's really not fair, because all we want to do is just hold them and love on them, and it seems like we get all the hard jobs like making them take medicine, or potty training, or making them clean their room when they're older.

So, I'm done venting. Time for some Tylenol...here we go again!

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